SOS – Save Our Selves – Secular Organization for Sobriety

SOS stands for The Secular Organization for Sobriety or Save Our Selves and is very much like other self help groups. Except it stresses that a “higher power” doesn’t need to be a part of the meetings and recovery process. AA makes a “higher power” critical to success. Alcoholism may have been Save Our Selves initial goal but, they have now moved on to working with any kind of addiction. Both chemical and behavioral based. Whatever addiction it is that’s holding you back, they will try to help you with it.

The Save Our Selves folks rely on themselves and each other to maintain control of their lives. They think each person must find his or her own way. They encourage people to sample a variety of methods and find the one that fits them best. They will also assist family and friends if your drinking has caused them damage. Or they will assist you if someone else’s drinking is causing you concern. They don’t have a problem with you if you attend their meetings and AA’s in the same week. As long as it works for you, they are happy. Their concern is with dry time, not drinking time, not who gets credit for helping you get there. Indeed, their basic premise is that only you can get you to where you need to be.

The meetings last about an hour to an hour and a half. Sometimes they will go for coffee after their meeting to build a sense of community amongst the members. Sometimes not. They do not follow a set meeting format. Each group decides what works best for its members. The only requirement is that the programs principles are followed. They are an abstinence based program.

They have “soberlogues” where people speak about what’s going on with their sober lives, not about the insanity of their pasts. They are concerned about now and where they are going, not with where they have been. Members are encouraged to announce themselves as alcoholics when they speak but, it’s no big deal if you don’t. The meetings are held in community centers and all kinds of public places. Look for one in your area on their website.


They have a list of 40 tools to help a remain abstinent.

Following are some tools stolen right from their website.

1. No matter what — there is no valid reason on earth to drink again.

2. Seriousness — this is nothing less than life or death.

3. Commitments — if you make them, keep them. You show yourself and others a lot by doing so.

4. Personal ‘program’ — develop your own recovery process from what you hear and see. It has to be what works for you, not anybody else.

5. Openness — Don’t reject ideas without at least considering them.

6. Enjoy life — you can be dead any time. Drinking is slow suicide. Life is a banquet. Depth, complexity, the full fabric of life is yours to experience. The blinders and mufflers are off. Think of yourself as a child occasionally. Experience wonder and intensity.


Save Our Selves also has online chat and message boards. Its a kind a Clearing House or information, a way for people from the same area to meet so they can start their own meeting. They have online meetings if you live far from the closest one. They will even help you start a meeting if you want to.


Category: Group Therapy
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