Adult Children of Alcoholics – Support group
Adult Children of Alcoholics is a support group for people who grew up in alcoholic and other dysfunctional homes. They help you realize how your childhood impacts your life right now and provide their members with ideas on how to improve their current situation. It follows the 12 step, 12 tradition formula. To become a member all that you need to do is want to overcome the effects of growing up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional home.
Here is a link to their website:
These folks can help you locate a meeting in your area. They have an online forum. An outline of what they stand for right there on the website. Adult Children of Alcoholics really go out of their way to make it as easy as possible for you to get help if you want it.
Adult Children of Alcoholics Promises
- We will discover our real identities by loving and accepting ourselves.
- Our self-esteem will increase as we give ourselves approval on a daily basis.
- Fear of authority figures and the need to “people-please” will leave us.
- Our ability to share intimacy will grow inside us.
- As we face our abandonment issues, we will be attracted by strengths and become more tolerant of weaknesses.
- We will enjoy feeling stable, peaceful, and financially secure.
- We will learn how to play and have fun in our lives.
- We will choose to love people who can love and be responsible for themselves.
- Healthy boundaries and limits will become easier for us to set.
- Fears of failures and success will leave us, as we intuitively make healthier choices.
- With help from our ACA support group, we will slowly release our dysfunctional behaviors.
- Gradually, with our Higher Power’s help, we learn to expect the best and get it.
Category: Group Therapy
Home: How To Help An Alcoholic
Stop Drinking Alcohol on Your Own
Panic Attacks