Alcohol Poisoning How To Identify And Respond To It
What Is Alcohol Poisoning?
Alcohol Poisoning Facts:
The following facts on were gathered from the CDC website.
There are 2,200 alcohol poisoning deaths in the US each year.
Alcohol poisoning deaths:
Most people who die are 35-64 years old.
Most people who die are men.
Most alcohol poisoning deaths are among non- Hispanic whites. Although a smaller share of the US population, American Indians/Alaska Natives have the most alcohol poisoning deaths per million people of any of the races.
Alaska has the most alcohol poisoning deaths per million people, while Alabama has the least.
Alcohol dependence (alcoholism) was identified as a factor in 30% of alcohol poisoning deaths.
Binge drinking can lead to death from alcohol poisoning.
How Do You Get Alcohol Poisoning?
Binge drinking is a good way to go about it. This is common among students and even working folks. They stay away from alcohol during the week and then binge on the weekends. It is a good way to avoid hangovers when you have class or work. It is also a good way to get alcohol poisoning by over indulging.
Binge drinking is defined as 4 or more drinks for women or 5 or more drinks for men in a short period of time that typically leads to a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that exceeds 0.08, the legal limit for driving in all states.
US adults who binge drink consume an average of about 8 drinks per binge, which can result in even higher levels of alcohol in the body.
Extreme drinking is even more dangerous. Eureka Alert published this:
A new study reveals that, among males, 20 percent of all freshmen consume 10+ drinks, and eight percent consume 15+ drinks, per occasion.
Extreme drinking is inviting alcohol poisoning. It is begging for it. As a binge drinker I have had alcohol poisoning numerous times. I have vomited in my mouth when passed out and had to have my head rolled over so I would not choke on it. I have been so inebriated that I “wet the bed”. I have not been able to feel my extremeties (my arm). All sorts of weird (and dangerous) stuff.
Alcohol Poisoning BAC
The lethal dose of alcohol is 5 to 8g/kg (3g/kg for children) – that is, for a 60kg person, 300g of alcohol can kill, which is equal to 30 standard drinks (about 1 litre of spirits or four bottles of wine).
Where the danger would begin with one person would likely be different for another. Alcoholics are well known for a high tolerance. So what might poison you might just be a good time for one of them.
Signs Of Alcohol Poisoning
Loss of co-ordination
Irregular breathing (a gap of more than 10 seconds between breaths)
Slow breathing (less than eight breaths per minute)
Pale or blue-tinged skin
Low body temperature (hypothermia)
Unconsciousness or passing out
How Long Does Alcohol Poisoning Last?
There is no standard time. It all depends on how much you drank and what sort of treatment you received for your poisoning. It depends on your tolerance. Was there food in your stomach that kept releasing alcohol for a time after you stopped drinking. On and on. There really are a lot of variables.
How To Treat Alcohol Poisoning?
Official rundown.
Stay with them
Keep them warm
If unconscious, put them in the recovery position and check that they are breathing
If awake, try to keep them in a sitting position and awake
What the doctors will do when they begin their work:
An alcohol overdose is typically treated in the emergency room. The emergency room physician will monitor your vital signs, including your heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature.
If you develop more serious symptoms, such as seizures, your doctor may need to provide additional treatments, including:
fluids or medications provided through your vein (intravenously)
supplemental oxygen provided through a mask or tube inserted in your nose
nutrients, such as thiamin or glucose, to prevent additional complications of alcohol poisoning such as brain damage
What To Do For Alcohol Poisoning? (When You See It)
What to do at the party.
- Call 911 or another emergency services number
- Do not allow the person to go to sleep or otherwise doze off. Make certain they are wide awake during the emergency. Attempt to keep the person speaking so you know they are conscious
- It is important the affected person is kept comfortably warm. This ensures all of the vital body organs stay working
- You should not supply the person any variety of caffeinated beverage. It could exasperate the problem with further dehydration
- Don’t use the customary cold shower to revive them. It may be harmful
- It is important to maintain constant track of the victim.
Alcohol is a depressant impact on the human brain. It makes the brain sluggish and slow. The brain controls your breathing and cardiovascular muscles. You do not want these two systems to shut down. Loss of either system results in death. (Respiratory system failure is a leading cause of death in an ethanol overdoses)
Most effects appear quickly. This is because of the rapid absorption rate of alcohol in the gastrointestinal system. If there is food in the stomach it may take longer for the digestive tract to get all the alcohol into the blood. So a person may continue absorbing alcohol for for as much as 40 minutes after they stop drinking or lose consciousness.
Severe cases should be referred to a medical facility straight away. Commonly the hospital attendants will give the sufferer a stomach pumping.
Drinking alcohol is a popular way for you to celebrate but binging can also land you in a serious medical tragedy. It’s always a good idea to consume alcohol in moderation. So drink sensibly.

In addition to the sources cited above also see the NIAAA.
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