Women for Sobriety

Women For Sobriety (WFS) is a self help group specifically for women. That’s pretty obvious, you probably didn’t need me to point that out for you. It’s founder, Jean Kirkpatrick, put it together as an alternative to AA. She felt women already spend too much time hating themselves.

WFS usually like a group of from about 6 to 10 ladies. They will pick a problem drinking topic or some other issue concerning ladies that can be linked to addiction, and talk about it. Ladies with any addiction are welcome to attend WFS meetings. Cross talk is encouraged. A person can also pass if they are not yet comfortable with the group.

If you are looking for a gestalt or holistic approach to recovering from your addiction WFS might just be for you. Meditation, good nutrition and exercise, positive thinking are some of the things they practice. WFS’s motto is “We are capable and competent, caring and compassionate, always willing to help another, bonded together in overcoming our addictions.”

WFS also has an online chat room for meetings, a message board, and a pen pal program. The pen pal program can be email or snail mail or both. That’s up to the participants. They have newsletters, videos, tapes, information on meetings in your area, and probably a lot more.

I’m a man, so my information all comes second hand. Especially the information regarding meetings. Frankly, I don’t even know one of their members.



Women for Sobriety

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